The Dog Orchard

Select an Option Below
55 min
10 British pounds55 min
15 British pounds
The Dog Orchard is open from 6am to 8pm everyday, although please be aware of reduced daylight hours during winter months, as there is no lighting within the field. We suggest that you use a torch and/or glow collars on your dogs if you book during the hours of darkness.
Each booking slot includes a 5 minute changeover period between users. We ask you to please be respectful of these timings and ensure you have left the field by 5 minutes to the hour. If you overrun you may be charged for the next time slot. If you arrive early and the field is occupied, please do not enter the field.
Please be aware of noise levels and respectful of neighbouring residents at all times. We operate quiet times between the hours of 6am and 9am and 5pm and 8pm. Therefore, if your dog is particularly prone to barking please avoid these times of the day.
We do ask you to please clear up after your dog. To make this easy we provide biodegradable poo bags and bins for you to use within the field.
Select your time and date and complete the booking process by selecting one of the options above.
You will receive a confirmation email with the code for the entrance gate to access the field. Please make sure you remember this code when you arrive for your time slot.
Arrive at The Dog Orchard (entrance on the right hand side) and check to ensure the previous user of the field has left the field.
If you arrive early and the field is occupied please wait in your car with your dogs in the waiting area car park until the previous user has exited the field. Some dogs may be reactive so this is for you and your dogs safety.
When the field is free drive to the gate and enter the code from the confirmation email into the black combination lock and enter the field, make sure the gate is closed securely behind you.
Please clean up after your dogs using the biodegradable poo bags and dog poo bins provided.
Enjoy your time in the field with your dogs!
Please exit the field at least 5 minutes before the hour slot is complete. This is for the safety of the dogs and their owners and to ensure there is no overlap of users.

The Orchard
The Dog Orchard field is a 2.5 acre area of apple orchard and grassland with a dog secure 1.8m high fence surrounding the field. It is the perfect place to allow your dog to exercise freely off the lead without the worry of them running off or meeting other dogs. With a mixture of apple orchard and grassland in a parkland style landscape it is a pleasure to walk through for both you and your dog. There is also a shelter with views across the field and orchards, which provides a great place to sit down, relax and watch your dogs enjoy the environment. It also provides shelter from sudden showers.
Within the shelter you will find a provision of biodegradable dog waste bags that you are welcome to use. There are also bins provided around the field to dispose of any dog waste. We do ask you to please be vigilant and clear up after your dogs so the field remains clean for future users of the field. Please do not put other waste into these bins.

The field has a combination lock gate for access. Upon booking you will receive the code for the access gate via the confirmation email. There is an all weather secure in-field car park to park in with space for up to 6 cars, along with a waiting/overflow car park. This means there is no need for a lead just drive in, open the boot and let your dog run free.
There is a drinking water tap attached to the fence on the left hand side as you enter the field, so you and your dogs can remain hydrated whilst using the field. There is also a hose and shingle area to wash your dog off in if they get muddy in winter or to help cool off when it is hot in summer.
The Dog Orchard contains apple trees, many of which are over 60 years old. You are welcome to pick a few apples from the trees whilst using the field, being considerate to leave some for other people. They make a great nutritious treat or fun toy to throw for your dogs. However, please do take care of the trees as there is a lot of weight on the branches when laden with apples, meaning they can be easily damaged by any additional weight. Please do not climb the trees. The trees are mainly Discovery apples and produce fruit during August and into September as well as producing lots of beautiful blossom in the spring for you to enjoy.
Once your dogs have had the exercise they require and you are ready to leave the field, please put them back on their leads and ensure the access gate is closed securely behind you. Please ensure you have left the field within your time slot to respect the following booking. Please do not drop litter and take any rubbish home with you.
We hope you and your dogs have a very enjoyable time using The Dog Orchard and feel free to contact us if you have any questions or queries.
Perfect For...
Exercising your dog where there is no risk they will be pestered by other dogs
Gaining confidence letting your dog off the lead
If your dog's recall is not as good as you would like it to be
Training your dog in an environment without distractions
If your dog is unsociable with other dogs
If your dog is in season and cannot mix with male dogs
If you enjoy walking your dog in a rural, hassle free environment
Anyone that enjoys eating apples...

Dog Training
with The Ipswich Dog Trainer

Award winning dog trainer Leanne owns and runs The Ipswich Dog Trainer.
Fully qualified, insured and DBS checked Leanne only uses force free, positive reinforcement methods to train you dog. Services offered include 1-2-1 training, 1-2-1 puppy courses, puppy classes, advanced classes, socialisation walks (at The Dog Orchard), Understanding Canine Body Language courses and Reactive Rascals courses.
You can view all credentials, get more information and make bookings via her website: www.theipswichdogtrainer.com

Nightingale Vets is a brand new, independent veterinary practice at the heart of Suffolk's petparenting community. Based in Ashbocking, just ten minutes from The Dog Orchard, we offer comprehensive and compassionate care to both pets and their people.
Our signature Welcome to the World programme provides preventative healthcare, milestone assessments, and all the support your puppy needs as well as helping you become the best petparent you can be.
At Nightingale Vets we understand the importance of the relationship you're founding with your new puppy and our experienced and devoted team of veterinary professionals are here to help, from nose to tail and every step of the way.