The Cove

The pond in The Cove is for dogs' use only. Human swimming or bathing is not permitted under any circumstances. Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
The Cove is open from 6:30am to 7:30pm everyday, although please be aware of reduced daylight hours during Spring and Autumn months, as there is no lighting within the field.
Each booking slot includes a 5 minute changeover period between users. We ask you to please be respectful of these timings and ensure you have left the field by 5 minutes to the hour. If you overrun you may be charged for the next time slot. If you arrive early and the field is occupied, please do not enter the field. Park in the Dog Orchard car park and remain in your vehicle until the field becomes free. Then drive into The Cove and park in the enclosed car park within the field.
Please be aware of noise levels and respectful of neighbouring residents at all times. We operate quiet times between the hours of 6:30am and 8:30am and 5:30pm and 7:30pm. Therefore, if your dog is particularly prone to barking please avoid these times of the day.
We do ask you to please clear up after your dog. To make this easy we provide biodegradable poo bags and bins for you to use within the field.
Select an Option Below
55 min
15 British pounds55 min
20 British pounds
Select your time and date and complete the booking process by selecting one of the options above.
You will receive a confirmation email with the code for the entrance gate to access the field. Please make sure you remember this code when you arrive for your time slot.
Arrive at The Cove, which is on the left hand side of the driveway, opposite The Dog Orchard. The parking area is within the secure fence, so follow the access signs on arrival.
Check to ensure the previous user of the field is not still in the field or car park. If you arrive early and the field is occupied please park in The Dog Orchard parking area and wait in your vehicle until the field is empty before entering in your car. Some dogs may be reactive so this is for you and your dogs safety.
Enter the code from the confirmation email into the black combination lock and enter the field in your vehicle, make sure the gate is closed securely behind you.
Please clean up after your dogs using the biodegradable poo bags and dog poo bins provided.
Enjoy your time in the field with your dogs!
Please exit the field at least 5 minutes before the hour slot is complete. This is for the safety of the dogs and their owners and to ensure there is no overlap of users.

The Cove
The Cove is a 1 acre field containing a private shingle beach and dog swimming pond available for hourly private hire. The area is fenced with 1.8m high dog secure fence meaning it is the perfect place to let you dog exercise and swim off the lead whilst you relax in the beach environment.
The field contains a mixture of grassland, the beach area, pond and a small copse of trees. We also have our beach hut styled summer house, to relax in overlooking the beach, and for shelter in case the British weather takes a turn for the worse.
There is a drinking water tap to keep you and your dogs hydrated. It also has the added attachment of a shower head to make sure your dogs stay clean before getting back into your car.
The Cove also features a secure hard standing car park within the field boundary, so there is no need to bring a lead. Simply drive through the gate into the field, shut the gate behind you, and let your dog free out of your car. The car park has a maximum capacity of five cars, if parked neatly.

Within The Cove you will find the provision of biodegradable dog waste bags that you are welcome to use, or if you would prefer please bring your own. There are also bins provided around the field to dispose of any dog waste. We do ask you to please be vigilant and clear up after your dogs so The Cove remains clean for future users of the field. Please do not put any other waste into the dog waste bins or leave any litter lying around the field as this can provide a choking hazard for future users' dogs.
There is strictly no human swimming or bathing allowed in the pond in The Cove, and any under 18s must be accompanied by an adult at all times. There is an orange safety floatation ring and long rescue pole next to the pond that are to be used in emergencies to rescue dogs or humans. These are not toys to be thrown into the pond, are only to be used in emergencies and must be replaced on the hooks before vacating the field.
We hope you and your dogs enjoy a day at the beach in The Cove and feel free to contact us if you have any questions or queries.

Water Quality
The pond is predominately fed by a natural freshwater spring, whilst also being topped up by natural run off from the land and waterways surrounding it. This can be seen with the water pipes that enter the pond at various points. There is also an overflow outlet which means that the water is constantly circulating through the pond which prevents any stagnant water in the pond.
We test the water in the pond regularly to ensure it is safe for dogs' use and there are no artificial chemicals used in the water. We use a natural pond dye (Dyofix: www.dyofix.co.uk) to prevent algae growing in the pond, as it filters out certain UV rays from the sun that algae requires to grow. This is a recognised pond dye that is safe for humans and animals that complies with European Food Regulations, meaning if you wanted to drink the dye or use it as food colouring in cooking you could do so safely. It is widely used in zoos, hotels and lots of top golf courses around the world. It also has the added benefit of making the water a beautiful blue colour.
Frequently Asked Questions
What if my dog drinks from the pond, is the pond dye safe? The pond dye is completely safe to drink. For example, a popular energy drink contains 65 times more dye in it per litre than the amount in the pond. However, if your dogs require a drink it is always a better idea to use our fresh drinking water tap.
Will my white dog come out blue from swimming in the pond? The pond dye is very diluted in the water so there is no chance of any staining. To put it into context there is approximately 0.02 litres (20 ml) of dye in the approximate 500'000 litres of water in the pond.
The pond does not have a liner as it is clay sealed. Therefore, the water may not appear as blue and clean as in advertised photos due to dogs churning up the sides/bottom of the pond. It is only the natural clay soil surrounding the pond that causes this and is nothing to be alarmed about. We check the water and field everyday and if there is ever a problem The Cove will be closed until this is rectified for everyone's safety.
Perfect For...
If your dog loves swimming
Allowing your dog to cool off on hot summer days
A place for your dog to get comfortable being around water
Gundog training learning to retrieve dummies from the water
Reactive dogs that cannot normally go to the beach along the coast
Relaxing as a family or with friends with your dogs at your own private beach